Cornell Chapter Prepares for Centennial Celebration

The history project is the culmination of two years’ effort of active and alumni brothers, and is just one part of the exciting centennial celebration. On Saturday, returning alumni and their families are invited to join Cornell Alumni Affairs on a very special guided tour of the campus. Explore new and recently renovated buildings, including Duffield, Bailey, and White Halls, while learning how the campus has changed over the years. Following the tour, the actives and alumni will enjoy the beautiful Ithaca weather (we hope!) at a picnic at one of the many scenic spots on campus.
After the picnic, the brothers will convene for a special meeting of the entire chapter. Here we will discuss the future of the Cornell Chapter, and learn how each brother can make a difference in the future. Immediately following the brothers’ meeting, there will be a cocktail hour, where the lively music of Cornell’s a cappella groups will fill the air. If there is one event you should not miss during the weekend, it is Saturday evening banquet held at the Statler ballroom. At the banquet, enjoy a meal with your brothers and listen to special guest speakers such as Cornell’s Vice-President for Student and Academic Affairs Susan Murphy. At the conclusion of the dinner, a documentary video produced by Cornell Chapter will debut on the big screen. And, it wouldn’t be a celebration without a party! Join us for live entertainment at the Statler Ballroom as we dance the night away!
For those who are early risers, plans are in the work for a morning bird watch at the Sapsucker Woods. The world-renowned Johnson Museum of Art will also be open that morning for a special tour. Join the brothers at the chapter house for brunch on Sunday morning before heading home. Come tour the chapter house, and see how much things have changed and stayed the same since the last time you were there.
Excitement for the Cornell Chapter Centennial has been building for several years. Thanks to the generosity of our alumni, we have raised almost $14,000 for the chapter’s AFF account. To date, over 40 brothers have already reserved their spot; why join them and all of us for this once in a lifetime affair? For more information about the Cornell Chapter Centennial, contact the following centennial chairmen:
David Klesh, Celebration Chairman Tom Balcerski, Historian Brad Ayres, Capital Campaign
davidklesh@hotmail.com tbalcerski@gmail.com bja27@cornell.edu
(646) 643-6744 (201) 327-0668 (607) 731-9338
We look forward to seeing you there at Ithaca in 2007!