Saturday, December 29, 2007
Progress on Sprinkler System - 2007
Below are some photographs taken of the work done installing a pipe from the water line for the sprinkler system. After laying the pipe, we will be moving ahead with installing the interior pipes into the house during the summer. We are having engineering plans drawn up soon, which we hope to make available as part of the spring Traveler newsletter. Our goal is to have all construction complete by the summer of 2009.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Venerable Deans of Cornell Acacia at Centennial
This photograph was taken on Saturday evening at the Centennial event in the Statler. Pictured are the Venerable Deans who attended the event. Front row (left to right): Bob Bergren '50, David Rickerby '91, John Ahlfeld '63, John Male '58, Richard Brewer '65, Larry McSorley '85; Second row (left to right): Scott Inglis '99, Rex Inglis '67, Kyle Small-Davis '09, Tom Harp '97; Third Row (left to right): Bill Ward '80, Bill Bethke '79; Fourth Row (left to right): Andrew Mercer '81, Michael Nasatka '03; Fifth row (left to right): David Rimshnick '05, Bradley Schmidt '01, Paul Molnar '99, Thomas Balcerski '05. Venerable Deans who were also present at the weekend but missing from the photograph: Bob Baker '53, Bill Burnett '53, Jim Freeman '55, Bob Phafl '60, Preston Shimer '61, and Brian Sivillo '96.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Centennial Spirit, Vol. 1., No. 1
The Centennial Spirit, the successor to the Centennial Horizon, is an alumni newsletter dedicated to continuing the spirit of brotherhood created by the Centennial. In this issue, you will find a post-Centennial wrap-up article by David Klesh, a two-page "Case Statement" for the Capital Campaign that can be shared with any brother, a list of donors to date, and an order form for the Centennial Documentary. Here's to the spirit of the Centennial!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007
History Project Update
I have been inactive on this blog for a few months now, but it is certainly not because I have been idle on the history of Acacia project. Since finishing writing the book, I have spent much time revising and editing the manuscript for publication. The first step for me was to revise the draft a second and third time. After doing this and incorporating helpful suggestions from alumni reviewers, I then contacted a friend of mine outside the fraternity who is a retired lawyer and a very good copy editor. He graciously volunteered to read the book (twice), and with his help, I was able to come to a final copy of the text.
On the photographs and illustrations, I decided to include as many as possible. With over 250 photographs and illustrations, the book is almost as much visual as it is written. Having already scanned many of the images, I went about the task of doing additional clean up and preparation for printing. In some cases, photographs needed to be replaced with higher resolution versions.
Once I had decided on which images to use and what text to use, I then proceeded to the layout. Using Adobe InDesign CS 2.0, I was able to complete the entire layout myself. I designed a template I was comfortable with and placed all the images and text into the file. I added captions, appendices, and other introductory materials. The final step for the interior pages was to write an index. After first preparing a topical index, I then used InDesign to track all the occurences of various words and phrases. This was the last step on the text.
For the covers, I used Adobe Photoshop CS 2.0 to design a cover design for the casebound and softcover version. Using the specifications provided by the printer based on the number of pages, I determined the margins and other specs to make the covers work. Then I obtained quotes for the back, wrote up a short summary of the book, and obtained an ISBN number. With the covers out of the way, I was almost ready to print.
Printer Thomson-Shore, Inc., sent me a proof, and several corrections were necessary to both photos and text. After making these changes, I submitted a revised version. This version was then reset and sent to me as an electronic proof. I approved this electronic proof last week. Printing commenced today, and the scheduled ship date is August 7. The total number of books ordered is casebound 300 and softcover 350. I plan to sell the books to interested parties, including members of the historical community in Ithaca and Tompkins County, Cornell alumni, and other followers of my writing (read: friends and family). The price for the softcover is going to be very reasonable at $14.95. The hardcover version will be used primarily for brothers and archival purposes, though I would sell a hardcover copy to interested parties for $29.95. Plans are underway to make the softcover book available at the Cornell Store, the History Center of Tompkins County, and Borders of Ithaca. There will also be a dedicated webpage where a person can print an order form or order the book over the web.
In the future, I plan to post all historical materials I have researched on the Cornell University's Library DSpace for future preservation. I have already donated all of the chapter's historical materials to the Rare and Manuscript Collections at the Cornell University Library so that the chapter's history will be preserved for another one hundred years and beyond.
With the history project nearing an end, I would like to thank everyone who helped me in these final stages. I would also like to express my mixed feeling of relief and joy at finishing. It has been a long journey covering one hundred years of Acacia's history, but I am glad to have done it. I hope you will join me on Friday evening at Duffield Hall during the Centennial weekend for the book's official debut. I will sign copies for anyone who would like that. I will make a historical presentation using the photographs I have scanned and employing the research I have made. This presentation will be taped and made available online for those who are interested but cannot attend.
I will continue to update this blog with items relating to the Centennial weekend, so keep checking back during the month of August. But, as to the history project, I consider this my last entry. I thank you all for joining me along the way.
Best regards,
Hoover #1063
On the photographs and illustrations, I decided to include as many as possible. With over 250 photographs and illustrations, the book is almost as much visual as it is written. Having already scanned many of the images, I went about the task of doing additional clean up and preparation for printing. In some cases, photographs needed to be replaced with higher resolution versions.
Once I had decided on which images to use and what text to use, I then proceeded to the layout. Using Adobe InDesign CS 2.0, I was able to complete the entire layout myself. I designed a template I was comfortable with and placed all the images and text into the file. I added captions, appendices, and other introductory materials. The final step for the interior pages was to write an index. After first preparing a topical index, I then used InDesign to track all the occurences of various words and phrases. This was the last step on the text.
For the covers, I used Adobe Photoshop CS 2.0 to design a cover design for the casebound and softcover version. Using the specifications provided by the printer based on the number of pages, I determined the margins and other specs to make the covers work. Then I obtained quotes for the back, wrote up a short summary of the book, and obtained an ISBN number. With the covers out of the way, I was almost ready to print.
Printer Thomson-Shore, Inc., sent me a proof, and several corrections were necessary to both photos and text. After making these changes, I submitted a revised version. This version was then reset and sent to me as an electronic proof. I approved this electronic proof last week. Printing commenced today, and the scheduled ship date is August 7. The total number of books ordered is casebound 300 and softcover 350. I plan to sell the books to interested parties, including members of the historical community in Ithaca and Tompkins County, Cornell alumni, and other followers of my writing (read: friends and family). The price for the softcover is going to be very reasonable at $14.95. The hardcover version will be used primarily for brothers and archival purposes, though I would sell a hardcover copy to interested parties for $29.95. Plans are underway to make the softcover book available at the Cornell Store, the History Center of Tompkins County, and Borders of Ithaca. There will also be a dedicated webpage where a person can print an order form or order the book over the web.
In the future, I plan to post all historical materials I have researched on the Cornell University's Library DSpace for future preservation. I have already donated all of the chapter's historical materials to the Rare and Manuscript Collections at the Cornell University Library so that the chapter's history will be preserved for another one hundred years and beyond.
With the history project nearing an end, I would like to thank everyone who helped me in these final stages. I would also like to express my mixed feeling of relief and joy at finishing. It has been a long journey covering one hundred years of Acacia's history, but I am glad to have done it. I hope you will join me on Friday evening at Duffield Hall during the Centennial weekend for the book's official debut. I will sign copies for anyone who would like that. I will make a historical presentation using the photographs I have scanned and employing the research I have made. This presentation will be taped and made available online for those who are interested but cannot attend.
I will continue to update this blog with items relating to the Centennial weekend, so keep checking back during the month of August. But, as to the history project, I consider this my last entry. I thank you all for joining me along the way.
Best regards,
Hoover #1063
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Finished writing!
I wanted to report for all those who are following along at home that I finished writing and revising the book tonight! I will read through the copy one more time, and I am also having a few more eyes look for last minute mistakes, but I am done!
Now I am going to lay out the book for the printer, insert figures, and make an appendix. So maybe I'm not really finished, but I have reached a milestone on the project. Just in time too since we have to get these books off to the printer next month in order to make the Centennial.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Oromel Harry Bigelow - Acacian Extraordinaire

Oromel Harry Bigelow (#12) was one of the founding brothers of Acacia Fraternity. This picture taken from Cornell Alumni News from June 5, 1907 was part of a group shot of the varsity baseball team. Bigelow won his "C" for playing left field on the varsity baseball team for three straight years. He was also a member of Quill and Dagger senior honorary society and class baseball.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Centennial Horizon, Spring 2007, pages 1 - 4
I am pleased to publish the Centennial Horizon, Spring 2007 edition, to this blog. Inside you will find all the important information about the Centennial Celebration, including how to register for the event and order commemorative items. Be sure to fill out the forms on pages 6 and 7 and send them to the chapter house (318 Highland Road, Ithaca, NY 14850). The Centennial Horizon will be the cover pages for the Spring 2007 Traveler so be on the look out for both newsletters. The Traveler and Centennial Horizon will be mailed out the week of April 2.
Please note: To print, you must either download the images and print using Windows or go to and download the Adobe PDF version under the Publications section. These images are best viewed for printing using Mozilla Firefox or Netscape Navigator.

I am pleased to publish the Centennial Horizon, Spring 2007 edition, to this blog. Inside you will find all the important information about the Centennial Celebration, including how to register for the event and order commemorative items. Be sure to fill out the forms on pages 6 and 7 and send them to the chapter house (318 Highland Road, Ithaca, NY 14850). The Centennial Horizon will be the cover pages for the Spring 2007 Traveler so be on the look out for both newsletters. The Traveler and Centennial Horizon will be mailed out the week of April 2.
Please note: To print, you must either download the images and print using Windows or go to and download the Adobe PDF version under the Publications section. These images are best viewed for printing using Mozilla Firefox or Netscape Navigator.
(click on each image for a larger view)

Sunday, March 11, 2007
The Cornell Chapter of Acacia Fraternity Collection

In the spirit of the History Project, I propose creating the Cornell Chapter of Acacia Fraternity Collection to be housed at the Carl A. Kroch Library Rare and Manuscripts Collection in the John M. Olin Library. The boxes pictured alongside me would supplement the existing Acacia Corporation Records now a part of the library's collection. Before donating these records, I would create physical and digital reproductions to be housed at the chapter house and on secure file servers or hard disks. While the archives, once donated, cannot be retrieved from the library, they may be accessed during library operations throughout the school year. Restrictions can be placed on who may access the collection, but in the spirit of open inquiry, I believe most of the collection should be made available to the general public. In my examination of the fraternity's history, there is very little we should seek to hide.
I plan on bringing this question to a formal vote at the annual meeting of the corporation. I would hate to see the chapter's past be subjected to the uncertainties of the future that are inherent in a fraternal living arrangement. Here's to creating the next 100 years of the fraternity's history!
Hoover #1063
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Cornellians' Photographs
I was in Ithaca this past weekend, and thanks to help from Clara Tow, I now have a fairly complete collection of composites. We scanned photographs from the Cornellian for those years missing, and compiled with the scans done of the 11" x 14" photographs, the collection is almost finished. I am quite happy to have these scans completed since I will use them for a slideshow on the Friday night of the Centennial weekend. Include below is the photograph taken for the 1938 Cornellian.

(click on the image for a larger view)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Cornell Acacia Composites
I am trying to compile a complete collection of composites. The Digital Status line below means either a) SCAN: I have an original photo and was able to scan it or b) PHOTO: I did not have the original but have a digital photograph of the large composite hanging on the wall at the chapter house.
If you have a missing composite or a composite with PHOTO in the Digital Status, please let me know. I would like to scan them for the Centennial for the Friday evening presentation.
If you have a missing composite or a composite with PHOTO in the Digital Status, please let me know. I would like to scan them for the Centennial for the Friday evening presentation.
Composite Year | Status | Digital Status | |
1907 | Y | SCAN | |
1908 | Y | SCAN | |
1909 | N | ||
1910 | N | ||
1911 | Y | SCAN | |
1912 | Y | SCAN | |
1913 | Y | SCAN | |
1914 | Y | SCAN | |
1915 | Y | PHOTO | |
1916 | Y | SCAN | |
1917 | Y | SCAN | |
1918 | Y | PHOTO | |
1919 | N | does not exist | |
1920 | Y | SCAN | |
1921 | Y | SCAN | |
1922 | Y | SCAN | |
1923 | Y | SCAN | |
1924 | Y | SCAN | |
1925 | Y | SCAN | |
1926 | Y | SCAN | |
1927 | Y | SCAN | |
1928 | Y | SCAN | |
1929 | Y | SCAN | |
1930 | Y | SCAN | |
1931 | Y | SCAN | |
1932 | N | ||
1933 | Y | SCAN | |
1934 | Y | SCAN | |
1935 | N | ||
1936 | N | ||
1937 | N | ||
1938 | N | ||
1939 | N | ||
1940 | N | ||
1941 | N | ||
1942 | N | does not exist | |
1943 | N | does not exist | |
1944 | N | does not exist | |
1945 | N | does not exist | |
1946 | Y | SCAN - OTHER | |
1947 | Y | SCAN | |
1948 | Y | SCAN - OTHER | |
1949 | Y | SCAN - OTHER | |
1950 | Y | SCAN - OTHER | |
1951 | N | ||
1952 | N | ||
1953 | Y | PHOTO | |
1954 | N | ||
1955 | Y | SCAN | |
1956 | N | ||
1957 | Y | PHOTO | |
1958 | Y | PHOTO | |
1959 | N | ||
1960 | Y | PHOTO | |
1961 | Y | PHOTO | |
1962 | Y | SCAN | |
1963 | Y | SCAN | |
1964 | Y | SCAN | |
1965 | N | ||
1966 | Y | PHOTO | |
1967 | N | ||
1968 | Y | SCAN | |
1969 | Y | PHOTO | |
1970 | Y | SCAN | |
1971 | Y | SCAN | |
1972 | Y | PHOTO | |
1973 | N | ||
1974 | Y | SCAN | |
1975 | Y | SCAN | |
1976 | N | ||
1977 | Y | SCAN | |
1978 | Y | SCAN | |
1979 | Y | SCAN | |
1980 | Y | SCAN | |
1981 | Y | SCAN | |
1982 | Y | SCAN | |
1983 | Y | SCAN | |
1984 | Y | SCAN | |
1985 | N | does not exist | |
1986 | Y | SCAN | |
1987 | N | does not exist | |
1988 | N | does not exist | |
1989 | N | does not exist | |
1990 | N | hand-made composite in office | |
1991 | Y | SCAN | |
1992 | Y | SCAN | |
1993 | Y | SCAN | |
1994 | Y | SCAN | |
1995 | Y | SCAN | |
1996 | Y | SCAN | |
1997 | Y | SCAN | |
1998 | Y | SCAN | |
1999 | Y | SCAN | |
2000 | Y | SCAN | |
2001 | Y | SCAN | |
2002 | Y | SCAN | |
2003 | Y | SCAN | |
2004 | Y | SCAN | |
2005 | Y | SCAN | |
2006 | Y | SCAN |
Monday, January 29, 2007
Traveler, May 1965
Monday, January 15, 2007
The Acacia Traveler, November 1966

I recently found this copy of the Traveler among a box of records belonging to the corporation board. If any other alumnus has any copies of the Traveler from 1951 to 1971, and also during the late 1970s and early 1980s, your help in obtaining copies for historical research would be greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Northcote by Arthur Gibb '90
This portrait drawn by architect Arthur Gibb of the Williams Family house at 318 Highland Road hangs above the fireplace mantle of the library. The Williams saved this portrait and left it with Northcote when sold to Acacia in 1934. Although it might have been a pleasant reminder to Edith Clifford Williams of her family's home, she could always look outside her window and up the hill from her house at 322 Highland Road. The portrait stayed with the house, where it belongs, and where it shall remain.
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