Monday, February 06, 2006

Update to previous post

One update to add to the previous post. From a picture of the house in 1934, I have determined the porch under the end room was covered. Today the porch is an open walkway, but from the 1934 photograph, the porch was screened and there were doors on the eastern and western ends of the porch. On the eastern side, the screened porch was aligned with the wall of the library.

Thus, the two doors from the chapter library did not exit directly into the elements but into this screened in space. The design of two doors, one for entrance and exit is much more common when the doors exit into a screened porch area, and I am now happy to know that the Williams house fits this model. The screened porch was used in the warmer months for lounging and possibly for smoking. A small table with chairs was on the lawn east of the house, and this could be used for meals in especially nice weather. The screened porch would not have been used to served meals, as the food would need to be served through several rooms to reach that space. Looking east from the porch, there was likely a very good view of the lake.

I am not certain when the screened porch was removed, but I am leaning towards before World War II in the spate of renovation that occurred to make the house suitable for fraternity use during the late 1930s.

I will add a scan of the old 1934 photograph in another post.

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